Fundraiser! The Awesomeness Returns!

Tomorrow! The moment you’ve all been waiting for! The Awesomeness Returns! After years of focusing 80% of our time on Betterment, 17% on Edification, and 4% on Unknown*, we’re bringing the Awesomeness back! Clambake Society Scholarship Fundraiser Dinner! 6 PM Saturday June 9 at Rhinelander Country Club! Described much more ably and promptly on our […]

2018! Winner!

Announcing! The 2018 winner of the Clambake Society Scholarship is Colton Krueger! The first future college athlete we’ve selected (as far as we were told, anyway!) (football at Hillsdale!), the creation he wrote about was also in the area of athletics! Frisbee baseball looks fun all around, but the diagram is what really sold us. […]

2018 Scholarship Season! Is over!

Thanks for another great year, everybody! Lots of good applications, and the choice between the final three was pretty tough! Winner to be announced RHS Scholarship Night as usual! Fun fact about exclamation points! Our second application, in 2008, featured these “questions”: Write a mundane anecdote and make it exciting through the magic of punctuation!!! […]

2017! Fundraiser! Planning Underway!

Planning is underway for our (hopefully) big and gigantic 2017 fundraiser event in Rhinelander. It’s far too soon to actually announce the event, because there are many moving parts and many different ways it could go when starting a brand new endeavor like this. What we can say (but not “announce”) is that we’re working […]